
Hope Worldwide. Bringing Hope. Changing Lives.

Seattle HOPE Youth Corps 

(June 16 - June 28)



Seattle HOPE Youth Corps 2021

We are excited to serve people without shelter through aiding local organizations that are passionate about getting each person back on their feet. In addition, participants will take part in an educational workshop about contributing factors to homelessness, such as mental health and addiction. 
Seattle, like many US cities, has a growing population of men, women, and families living without a roof over their heads. The city has made tremendous effort to address that problem. This will be the third edition of this very successful HOPE Youth Corps. Participants’ lives have been changed, as they have come face-to-face with one of society’s greatest challenges. Our volunteers get to interact with people without shelter, connect, and grow in their empathy.


In our own cities, many of us have walked right past people in need with or without knowing their situation. It’s time to serve them and learn how to do so, being educated about contributing factors.


Service to people without shelter by supporting local organizations.

AUDIENCE: Teens (minimum age 16) and campus students.

PRICE: $1,155 (not including flights)

Registration and payment deadline: May 5


(We are no longer accepting applications.)

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